Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The habit of meditation in daily life.

What I've learned is that the habit of meditation is one of the most powerful things to keep good posture. I can meditate anywhere or anyplace. While many people think of meditation as something I might do with a teacher, it can be as simple as paying attention to my breathing patterns while sitting in the backseat of any car, or while walking or showering. I could relieve stress by meditating, it helps me to relax, meditation has been shown how it improves mental benefits like improves focusness, happiness, memory, self-control, academic performance. Meditation has been indicated that it may have other health benefits like it has improved metabolism, heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure.


The things that I learned in Computer Literacy...

The things that I learned while taking this course are how to use Microsoft Office and Open Office. I have also learned in this course is all different computer programs that i could possibly use in the future in an educational or professional purpose. One of the most important things that I have learned is that it can be used for a communication tool.